Procedure for opening a new PayPal Account


Follow this simple procedure and you will have a new PayPal account in approximately 10 minutes.


■ Go to & Click "Sign Up"

■ Select "Personal Account" and click "Continue"

■ Complete the application template - View the "User Agreement" and then click "I agree. Create my account".

■ An email will immediately be sent to the email address that you have registered for you account. Retrieve the email message.

■ You will see this in the body of the email message - "Click here to activate your account".  Click

■ You will be prompted for the password that you selected during the sign up procedure. Enter and confirm.

■ You will receive an "offer to get verified". It is not necessary - click "Skip" and you will be taken to your "My Account" page.  Click "profile".

■ Under "Financial Information", click "Credit Cards"

■ Enter your credit card information and click - "Add Card"

■ For your protection, under "Log in Required" - click "Turn On".

That's're done and you now have a PayPal account.....Congratulations!

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