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What We Do

Our research focuses on finding businesses in the U.S. that are experiencing growth. With that growth, each business plans a physical relocation to another office facility that is more suitable for managing their new demands. Because of their move, these businesses plan to acquire a variety of goods and services.

We conduct market research consisting of several million telephone interviews each year that are targeted to a select group of companies contained in specific industry codes (SIC's). We search for businesses in the U.S. that are experiencing growth and have plans to physically relocate their offices to a new location in order to support that growth.

With our targeted approach that features systematic and direct contact with each business, the companies that we find are professional in nature, have the wherewithal and budget to support the move and have demonstrated a willingness to spend the money necessary to ensure that the event is successful and is not disruptive to their customers. Because of the move, these businesses acquire a wide variety of goods and services.

These are your sales opportunities.

Typically, companies on the move will do business with an average of 17 different vendors. They plan the acquisition of all types of new office equipment.....everything from new telephone systems, office furniture and other specialized equipment and services and this becomes a part of the overall expansion plan and the move budget.  (click here to see with whom they do business)

Details regarding the impending relocation are summarized and published at regular intervals and include all of the key information that you need to approach each business to begin the selling process for your company.  We tell you who the key decision maker is, the size of the company, approximate date of the move and the number of office employees that are involved in the move itself. For a complete view of all the information that is provided, click here.

The important thing to realize is that these companies WILL do business with someone in YOUR industry and in your very own backyard!

Shouldn't it be you??

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Email: info@aimbusinessleads.com